Fine arts

Gorazda Lunekova

Gorazda is an art historian, a member of the Association of Art Historians, and the chairman of the Primorsky Regional branch of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. Specializing in creating concepts for artistic decoration of public and private spaces with paintings, graphics, sculptures, photography, and decorative applied arts, Gorazda assists in finding the perfect place for art pieces at exhibitions, public spaces, or private settings.

Some of the projects include the artistic decoration concepts for Hyatt hotels in Vladivostok and Moscow, organizing and hosting exhibitions such as the contemporary sculpture exhibition "VladNaba-2017," the children's sculpture exhibition "Volshebnye Liki Elki - 2017" ("Magical Faces of the Christmas Tree - 2017"), the youth art objects festival-exhibition "Podarki Gorodu - 2020" ("Gifts to the City - 2020") and the children's art objects exhibition "Iz Okeana s Luboviu!" ("From the Ocean with Love!"). Gorazda is also a co-founder of the first gallery of artistic photography "Elementy Sveta" ("Elements of Light") on the Russian Far East and the PORTart gallery of contemporary art. She is a firm believer that art brings happiness and joy into a person's life.

Another leaders

Natasha Korobka

Natasha Korobka

Artist, founder of the Korobka Gallery, co-founder of Fashion Yurodivy

Alexey Filatov

Alexey Filatov

Board member of the Union of Artists of Russia, Primorsky branch in Vladivostok

Anna Shabyrova

Anna Shabyrova

Sakhalin artist, art activist, host of women's creative practices

You can contact the curator of the project via whatsapp or telegram: +7 965 909 5090
Or, if it is more convenient for you, write to us by email: [email protected]
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